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Please also see the Faculty section for specific services.

Mentoring Program for New Faculty

Clark is pleased to offer a mentoring program for new faculty. All first year tenure-track faculty will be assigned mentors prior to their arrival at Clark, unless they “opt out” of the program, and other new faculty may request a mentor. Participation on the part of both mentors and mentees is completely voluntary.

To learn more about this program, go to the Clark University’s Faculty Mentoring Program.

Educational and Professional Development workshops

We provide workshops for educational and professional development for faculty and graduate students.


We provide support services for new faculty and teaching assistants in the form of consultations, workshops, and professional development.

To learn more about these support services, visit the support for new faculty page.

Private Consultation Services

Private Consultation Services. We offer confidential individual teaching consultations to anyone who teaches at Clark, including full time and part time faculty and graduate teaching assistants. Consultations are typically requested when an instructor has a specific teaching area in which s/he has questions or wishes to improve, but can also be requested for more general teaching feedback. A consultation usually begins with a meeting to determine your interests and needs and to review your course. If you wish, we may proceed to one or more classroom observations, with written feedback provided, and/or continue with additional meetings. Other possibilities include, but are not limited to, videotaping your class and reviewing your student ratings. You make the decisions, and we tailor the consultation to your needs and available time.

Go to the Consultation page to learn about these services, and/or contact Lynn Murray-Chandler.

Contact Information

Center for Excellence in Teaching, Assessment and Learning

  • Jonas Clark, 316
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

Contact Us
  • Lynn Murray-Chandler
    Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Assessment and Learning at Clark
